HEXAGON Production Software - ESPRIT EDGE

  • Development & Design
  • Planning & Preparation
  • Production & Manufacturing

With powerful programming, accurate simulation, and machine-optimized NC code, ESPRIT EDGE delivers a comprehensive CAM system for everyone DMG MORI machines. With ESPRIT EDGE, programming is simplified, machine utilization is increased, and set-up and cycle times are reduced. Backed by world-class technical support, the ESPRIT EDGE CAM system is the right choice.

Your benefits

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    Digital Twin of Your Machining Environment

    ESPRIT EDGE allows you to use a digital twin of your machine tool for programming, optimization and simulation. Workpieces, clamping devices and tools are set up digitally and enable realistic production simulation for better quality of your parts to be manufactured and increased productivity.

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    Digital Thread for Discrete Manufacturing

    With ESPRIT EDGE, all production steps are connected with one another and combined in one project. ESPRIT EDGE imports your CAD model files and, based on this, creates the NC programs optimized for your machines as well as tool lists and work plans, which in turn are exchanged with work preparation, tool planning and production organization.

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    CAM programming via machine kinematics is a fundamental change in how toolpaths were previously calculated. Compared to other CAM systems, ESPRIT EDGE uses kinematics and dynamics to calculate, optimize and simulate manufacturing processes.

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    ESPRIT EDGE KnowledgeBase™ streamlines part programming by automatically selecting the optimum processes—machining cycles, cutting tools and machining conditions—for part features based on proven best practices.

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    Integration with cloud-based databases, such as TDM Toolmanagement, facilitates access to knowledge, product data, resources, and process controls for machines, cutting tools, and workholding. These cloud-enabled databases suggest factory-recommended feeds and speeds and provide continuously updated manufacturer product data.

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    World-Class Technical Support

    Global training, consulting, and programming services help you get started quickly. Full-time, dedicated ESPRIT application engineers make sure you keep running at top efficiency. Our specialists go beyond the software to understand your processes, workflow, and machine tools.

Main features

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      Profit cycles

      • The ESPRIT EDGE system offers various patented high-speed roughing cycles. For the milling area ProfitMilling up to 5-axis simultaneously, ProfitFacing and ProfitHybrid, which is a combination of ProfitMilling and ProfitFacing. For the turning area ProfitTurning. All Profit cycles are aimed at removing a lot of material in a short time, avoiding tool vibrations and thus significantly increasing tool life.

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      Machine-Aware Multitasking

      • ESPRIT EDGE uses a digital twin of the CNC machine for setup, programming, optimization, and simulation. This awareness and knowledge of the machine’s capabilities and limitations power ESPRIT EDGE most advanced features — from high-speed machining to post processing — simplifying the programming process while utilizing the full capability of the machine.

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      Stock-Aware Toolpath

      • ESPRIT EDGE FreeForm milling cycles are dynamically optimized based on the real-time state of the stock, cutting tool, tool holder, workpiece setup, and machine tool, resulting in safer, shorter-cycle, collision-free machining with minimized repositioning and no air cutting.

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      Synchronized Machining

      • ESPRIT EDGE automatically synchronizes machining cycles as you create them, with manual synchronization available for advanced program optimization. As a result, cycle times on the machine are minimized and the full capacity of the machine is utilized. The result is a complete, optimized program that synchronizes the machining cycles with workpiece handling and setup changes, including bar feed, reposition, cut off, eject, transfer, and rechucking.

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      Technology Library

      • Accelerate programming through partial automation and save all processes with just one keystroke Cross-location quality of programming and documentation of all processes in your production.

        Manufacturing knowledge is stored and managed in the TECHNOLOGYlibrary. This ensures consistent quality of programming for part families and variants.

        Use of evaluated, customer-specific "best practices"

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      ADAPTIVE measuring

      • Structured user interface Names of the original cycle parameters. Evaluation of the measurement result by result parameters from the measurement cycles.

        Handling of limit values When the limit value is exceeded, the programme run is interrupted and the programme jumps to the end of the programme. This saves unnecessary runtime!

        Handling of jumps The jump target can be defined intuitively. Direct post-processing and correction is thus possible, this leads to a completion of your automation solution

Provider information

DMG MORI is a leading global manufacturer of machine tools and a provider of future-oriented technology solutions. In the DMG MORI STORE, we offer our customers fast and direct access to digital "end-to-end" solutions as a subscription model. With our integrated range of software tools, we ensure that machine tools are more productive, future-proof and therefore more sustainable, and create greater transparency, efficiency and higher quality for our customers.