DMG MORI Digital GmbH SHOP powered by DMG MORI

HEXAGON Production Software - ESPRIT EDGE

The right choice!

With powerful programming, accurate simulation, and machine-optimized NC code, ESPRIT EDGE delivers a comprehensive CAM system for everyone DMG MORI machines. With ESPRIT EDGE, programming is simplified, machine utilization is increased, and set-up and cycle times are reduced. Backed by world-class technical support, the ESPRIT EDGE CAM system is the right choice.

DMG MORI Digital Twin Machine Model

The DMG MORI Digital Twin Machine Model is the digital replica of the customer specific DMG MORI machine. The model contains all elementary components of the real machine and has all relevant information on the machine kinematic. The machine model is used within the DMG MORI Digital Twin software alongside with virtual copies of the workpiece, the clamping devices, and the machine control to simulate the NC-code.

DMG MORI Digital Twin Software

The DMG MORI Digital Twin is the 100% digital replica of your DMG MORI machine, automation as well as your process to increasy productivity and improve sustainability. The Digital Twin is the exact replica of your machine and the workspace with all components, functionalities and movements as well as the control functions with complete NC and PLC as well as their cycles. With the Digital Twin you can verify your processes, check for collisions before production and optimize the manufacturing process. Increase you productivity with the DMG MORI Digital Twin.

DMG MORI Toolhandling

Easy tool management - the new entry-level solution for tool management in the cloud - simple, straightforward, powerful!

Do you operate in a small to medium sized production environment? Then the new cloud tool management is exactly the right entry-level solution. The simple tool management organizes all tool types and is manufacturer-independent.

Start digitizing tools now and be excited to see how your way of working and ability to act will soon improve.


CELOS DYNAMICpost is a software that integrates three functions:

  • post processor, 
  • machining simulation, and 
  • cutting force optimization.

After converting a CAD/CAM-designed toolpath to an NC program on the post processor, the cutting simulation function uses DMG MORI digital twin technology to evaluate the machining shape, performs an interference check, and then estimates machining time. The cutting force optimization function evaluates the cutting load, and automatically generates an NC program with optimized machining conditions.

CELOS DYNAMICpost supports all the functions unique to DMG MORI machines as standard.